A Viking cache of silver coins recently discovered in Sweden included an extremely rare coin, pictured front (left) and back, minted for Olof Skötkonung, an ancient Swedish king.The hoard also included coins from present-day Iraq and Uzbekistan, demonstrating the breadth of the Vikings’ trade networks.

The Asian coins are products of the Vikings’ extensive trade, which the Norse conducted by sailing south along Russia’s long rivers to reach the Middle East. Between 700 and 800 silver hoards have been discovered so far on Gotland, which was ideally located as a Viking trading center, Carlsson said.(See a photo of a Viking stash of Arabic coins found in Gotland in October 2006.)”Gotland was situated right in the middle between western and eastern Europe,” he said.”Most of the coins [found on the island] were actually Arabic coins [that came] up the Russian rivers.”"Remarkable” DiscoveriesGareth Williams, curator of early medieval coinage at the British Museum in London, said the concentration of early medieval coins in Gotland is “remarkable.” “We’ve got more surviving late Anglo-Saxon coins from Gotland than we have from Britain, despite the fact it’s not a very big island and quite a way away,” he added.
The newfound hoard, buried some 1,300 feet (400 meters) from the site of an ancient Viking settlement, also includes highly unusual coins minted for Olof Skötkonung, a regional Swedish king, Carlsson said. “He was the first king that minted coins in Sweden,” he said. “He obviously learned [coin-making] from England,” he added. “Many of the coins are copies of English coins, most of all Ethelred coins.” Ethelred II was England’s monarch from 978 to 1016. Also known as Ethelred the Unready due to his lack of reliable counsel, he paid massive amounts of “tribute money” to the Vikings and is featured on Anglo-Saxon coins discovered in the garden cache. Sihtric, the Viking ruler of Dublin, Ireland, was another king whose money turned up in the hoard.Williams noted that a number of the Gotland coins show knife marks left by “pecking,” a practice used to test whether they were genuine silver or counterfeits made of lead.”
Unearthed by amateurs using metal-detectors in a field near Harrogate, North Yorkshire (see map), the treasure included a rare gold armband, jewelery, and more than 600 coins collected from as far away as Afghanistan. The hoard was stashed inside a decorated gilt silver vessel thought to have been looted from a monastery in France. The treasure is dated to between 927 and 929, when the Anglo-Saxons regained control of northeast England from the Vikings. A number of Viking hoards found in the region were buried around this period, according to Williams, of the British Museum. “This was probably linked to the Anglo-Saxons pushing northwards,” he said. The Harrogate treasure likely belonged to an important Viking chieftain, he added. Researchers can only speculate why he never retrieved it. “He could have been killed in battle, forced to leave the region, or died of old age before he had a chance to recover it,” Williams said.
Viking Treasure Trove Discovered in Swedish Garden, Natural World Stie: Amazing Science News. Retrieved 29 September 2011.
And brains too long 20yrs rah haa lied so did newel
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